Authorization to Release Information:

If you would like your therapist to speak to another therapist, medical doctor, family member, or another individual regarding your care, please complete the following form:

Please fill the Authorization to Release Information here. *All dates in Patient Information section refer to date of birth.

    Select option (required)
    Option 2 or 3 include information here.
    Select option (required)
    For "Other" include information here.

    Select option (required)
    Option 2 or 3 include information here.
    • I understand that I have the right to revoke this authorization in writing to the authorized person or organization at any time, except where uses or disclosures have already been made based upon my original permission.
    • I understand that discussions and disclosures already made based upon my original permission cannot be taken back.
    • I understand I may not be able to revoke this authorization if the purpose was to obtain insurance.
    • I understand that it is possible that information disclosed under the terms of the authorization may be re-disclosed by a recipient and no longer protected by HIPAA privacy standards.
    • I understand that treatment, payment, enrollment or eligibility fro benefits may not be conditioned on whether the individual signs the authorization.
    • I will receive a copy of this authorization after I have signed it. A copy of this authorization is as valid as the original.